Saturday, January 22, 2011

the start of something

April 2042 - Toby Wright, Alison Cameron, and Harper Myers are 16; Dylan Wright is 10, Avery Myers is 9.

Toby and Alison used to spend the time before the first bell flirting by the lockers, but ever since Bella was born, they've been spending most mornings fighting.

"You said you were coming over last night."

"I told you, I got held up at work. I called you when I got out, but you said I shouldn't come over."

"Because by the time you called, Bella was already asleep, and I didn't want you to wake her."

"Look, I'm sorry, but I can't always control when I get out of work."

"Bella and I have a schedule, and you can't just play around with that."

"You act like I don't matter. But I'm Bella's father."

"Then act like it! I'm the one who changes her diapers and gets up with her in the middle of the night."

"That's not fair. She lives with you. What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing! I don't want you to do anything. Bella and I can get along just fine without you."

"Guys, what's going on?" Georgia asks. "Class is going to start soon."

"It's fine," Alison says. "Toby and I are done."


"I'm done, Toby, I can't do this anymore. All we do now is fight. I think we need some time apart."


Without Alison and Bella in his life, Toby has a lot more free time. He works out almost every night. He's trying to get a swimming scholarship for college.

He's been studying physiology to help with his swimming practice. Maybe he'll study medicine in college.

He spends a lot of time with his little brother Dylan after school, playing with him and helping him with his homework.

He's a good big brother. He just wasn't ready to be a good dad.

On the weekends Harper and her little sister Avery come over to visit. Their parents are at the hospital almost every day, and the girls get bored stuck at their house on the weekends.

It's a lot more fun for Dylan and Avery to play outside on the beach while Harper and Toby hang out.

"So you and Alison broke up?"

"Yeah. We both knew it wasn't working. We fought about Bella all the time."

"Are you still going to see her?"

"Bella? Of course, she's my daughter. But I think Alison and I will get along better now that we aren't dating."

"Thanks for being there for me," Toby says. "You're a good friend."

"Well I care about you."

It's like he's seeing Harper for the first time. She isn't just his childhood friend, the quiet loner who studies alone in the library during lunch. She's smart and beautiful, and her brown eyes sparkle behind her glasses.

"You know prom is coming soon," Toby says. "Maybe we could go together."

"I'd like that."


Toby rolled the Worst Fear ROS, which was to break up with Alison. But when they broke up, he got a green memory, while she got a red one. After they broke up, I had Toby reroll his turn-ons, and he now has a higher attraction score to Harper. I think this will be best for both of them; Toby wants to focus on school and work, and Alison's priority is her daughter.


  1. A green memory? I thought he might have been Romance when I read that but he's Fortune/Knowledge. It sounds like a break-up was probably for the best then. Hopefully he can still be involved with Bella.

  2. I've had several Sims who aren't Romance get green memories for break ups. I think it's a bug, but in this case I think it fits the story. The stress of having a baby together was too much for Toby and Alison. I think he'll still want to be involved in Bella's life, but he's also going to college in a year, so we'll see what happens.
