Sunday, November 28, 2010

portions for foxes

December 2040 - Viola Cameron is 49, Alison Cameron and Toby Wright are 15.

Two years after her husband's death, Viola is starting to feel like her life might not be over. She's gotten used to being a single mother again - to sleeping alone, to making dinner for two instead of three.

"You've been such a big help to me," Viola says. "I appreciate it so much."

"Thanks Mom."

Despite what Viola might have thought, life moves on. Clara got married three months ago, and Viola has a new son-in-law Patrick, who calls often to talk to Viola.

His parents live in Philadelphia, and he only sees them a few times a year. He really likes having a mother nearby. And Viola likes having a son-in-law. It's nice to have a man in the family. On the weekends he comes over to do yardwork.

There's a lot more testosterone at the Cameron house these days. Alison's friend Toby has been coming by the house almost every day after school.

They've been friends for years, but this year things get more serious between them. Alison thinks he's the hottest guy she's ever seen!

Viola spends a lot of time at Clara and Patrick's house and going for long walks around town, so Alison and Toby get a lot of time alone together at the Cameron house.

Everything seems great until one morning Alison wakes up feeling queasy.

"Morning sweetie. I'm making pancakes," Viola says.

She manages to eat the pancakes, but the sick feeling doesn't go away. She starts to wonder if maybe this isn't just a stomach ache.

She doesn't know how to tell her mother, but eventually she has to. A fifteen-year-old can't keep a secret like this from her mother for long.

"Mom? I need to talk to you."

Viola does her best to say the right things, to assure her daughter that she'll help her. But the truth is she feels completely overwhelmed.

She didn't want this for her daughter. But in less than a year her daughter will be a mother.


Alison rolled the "oop! preggy" ROS this round. At the beginning of the round she didn't have a boyfriend and had never had sex, but when I saw that she and Toby have a strong two bolts I decided to have them start a relationship. She's due in August.


  1. The thought bubble in that last picture was perfect! Guess Alison and Toby had to move fast to make the ROS work when she initially didn't have boyfriend, but that's often the way it is in r/l when these things happen, too.

  2. Thanks for the comment Blackcat! The last shot was awesome; when it happened in game I knew I had to use it. This is my first time using ROS, and I wasn't quite sure what to do when I got such a big event for this round, but now I'm really excited to see how things turn out.

  3. Poor Alison! Still just a kid and already pregnant. Great job incorporating the ROS.
