Sunday, November 21, 2010

over the river and through the woods

November 2040 - Priya and Sanjay Ramaswami are 51, Anthony Cooke and Gavin Newson are 23, Anjali and Padma Ramaswami are 22, Krishna Ramaswami is four months.

For Thanksgiving all of the Ramaswami's get together, the first time they've all been together since Anjali and Padma graduated from college. Between Anjali's medical career and Padma's busy life in Bridgeport juggling her acting career and motherhood, it isn't easy to get the girls in the same room.

Priya is so happy to be able to cuddle her grandson Krishna. Padma and Gavin are happy to have someone else hold the baby for a few minutes.

"Gavin certainly seems like a nice young man," Priya says. "I just wish you two lived closer so we could see you and Krishna more often."

"Gavin and I work in the city, Mom."

"I know. But we hardly get to see you, and we don't really know Gavin very well. We just want to be more involved with our daughter and our only grandchild."

Anthony, on the other hand, is very close to Anjali's parents. He's been coming over to the Ramaswami house since he was a kid, and he's become part of the family.

"We're so proud of you and Anjali," he says. "A scientist and a doctor! You're both so successful."

Gavin does his best to bond with Padma's father.

"So what exactly do you do, Gavin?"

Gavin tries to explain the ins and outs of his business, but he can see that Sanjay is losing interest.

"Mmm, very interesting," Sanjay says.

"I'm so sorry," Priya says, "the turkey is a little burnt. I lost track of time."

"It's still good, Mom," Padma assures her.

"So Sanjay, how is the orchestra?" Anthony asks.

"Oh it's fine. We're getting ready for the holiday shows, The Nutcracker, things like that."

"Gavin is pretty musical too," Padma says. "He and his siblings all took piano lessons."

"Oh really? Well you should come to one of our shows. I'll let you know when they are."

"I'd like that, thank you Sanjay," Gavin says.

Anjali and Gavin have to work early the next morning, and Krishna is getting sleepy, so they all drive home right after dinner.

"Dinner was great," Sanjay says.

"It was so nice to see the girls. And Krishna is getting so big."

"I don't really know what Gavin does," Sanjay admits. "All I know is that it involves a lot of money."

"He's a good boy," Priya says. "He can provide for Padma and Krishna."

"I'm so proud of Anjali," Sanjay says. "It sounds like she loves being a radiologist."

"I can't believe our little girl is a doctor. And our other little girl is a mother."

"I know. They've grown up so fast."


  1. Aww, I liked this update, very busy, successful, and sweet family celebrating the holidays. Seems like they did good raising their daughters.

    lol on Sanjay not being able to keep his focus during the conversation. They are really sweet with their grandson.

  2. Thanks retromaisie, I thought it was really cute too.

    Gavin kept trying to talk to Sanjay, but they didn't get a long very well. Poor Gavin probably felt kind of left out since this is the first time he'd met Padma's parents, and they already really like Anthony. But at least being at her parents' house meant that he and Padma could make out while Priya was cuddling the baby.

  3. Aw, poor Gavin. His father in law doesn't even know what he does for a living. Hopefully they can bond over music or some other common interest.
