Thursday, July 29, 2010

end of the movie

February 2034 - Robert Stanton is 33, Meg is 10, Libby is 5, Jodie and Sadie are 2.

Robert was living his happy ending - a beautiful wife, a successful career as an architect, and four beautiful daughters. But now he's divorced and a single father to four daughters.

Jenny was a stay-at-home mom, and now that she's gone Robert is still getting used to juggling work and family. There's always a kid who needs a nap or a snack. Plus he has to potty train two toddlers.

Meg and Libby are good kids, and they do their best to help out. They keep their room clean without being asked.

Meg even cleans the bathroom.

They both try to make things easier on their father by staying out of trouble and playing quietly. But it's hard for both of them, not having their mom around. Meg tries to fill in for their mother by helping out with her younger sisters. Libby keeps to herself; she's a quiet, almost withdrawn little girl.

Jenny calls once a week to talk to the girls, and she comes by sometimes to see them. But her visits are always tense.

Meg likes seeing her mom, but Libby avoids her. When Jenny comes to visit, Libby hides in her room and plays with her little sisters.

Some days Robert doesn't know how he can do this. He's been working at home as much as possible so he doesn't have to leave Jodie and Sadie with a babysitter. But he doesn't get very much work done. Sometimes he doesn't even have time to get dressed or take a shower. Every minute is spent taking care of his daughters - feeding them, playing with them, helping with homework, putting them down for naps.

It's hard on the girls too. They don't talk about their mother very much, but they both miss her.

"Do you think Mommy will ever come home?" Libby asks her sister.

"Mommy has a new life," Meg tells her sister. "She lives in an apartment by herself now. You could come visit her with me sometime."

Libby shakes her head. "I don't want to see Mommy's new home. She should be home with us."

"Well she isn't coming back," Meg says. "It's just us and Daddy now."

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