Thursday, December 9, 2010

please don't eat the daisies

March 2041 - Jack Cooper is 38, Jillian Cooper is 37, Jackson is 12, Rachel is 10, Piper is 7 (Gabrielle Wheeler is 14, Alex Smith is 7).

Jackson is a pretty solitary kid, but at least he has his dog Tucker. He loves playing with his dog, and he takes him for a walk every morning before school.

"Sorry Tucker, I have to go to school now," Jackson says. "I'll be home soon."

Now that Jackson is twelve, he's started noticing girls. He's known Gabrielle for a while - she's the daughter of one of his parents' friends - but lately he's starting feeling differently about her.

She's two years older, so she probably isn't too interested in him, but he thinks she's pretty cute.

Piper is still a few years away from crushes. She's just happy to be able to play with her best friend Alex.

Rachel recently joined the soccer team, and along with making a lot of new friends, she's gotten really good!

As the kids have gotten older and more independent, Jillian has been able to spend more time on her hobbies. For last Christmas Jack had a sewing room added to the attic.

She's always loved to sew, and she's started to design her own clothes.

Her first attempt turns out pretty well!

She also loves to garden, and she plants a lot of new flowers and shrubs in the backyard.

She asks the neighborhood garden club if she can become a member.

"The landscaping around the pond is very nice," she says. Still, she isn't impressed by how sparse the rest of the yard is. She grants Jillian membership but suggests she expand the garden a lot more.

Jillian is an accomplished cook, and she makes her family a big home cooked dinner every night.

Her kids especially love her pies.

"Great pie, Mommy," Piper says. "Can you teach me how to bake?"

"Sure baby, I'd love to teach you how to bake."

She loves spending time with her kids, but it's also nice to have some time alone while they're at school to work on her hobbies.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jillian is super talented. That new blue dress is really cute, and her yard is beautiful. The kids look really cute too. I wonder what'll happen with Jackson and the older girl?
