Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lowell College: Spring 2037

Spring Semester 2037 - Sophomores: Anthony Cooke, Paul Ottomas, Brittany Parker; Freshmen: Clara Long, Anjali Ramaswami, Padma Ramaswami.

After all of the drama last semester, Padma has been trying to avoid boy drama. Plus her course load is a little heavier this semester, so she and her sister have been spending a lot of time in the library.

Of course even in the library, Padma finds guys. Padma runs into Jack Cooper, whose come back to his alma mater to use some of the library's law books. She thinks he's pretty hot.

He thinks she's pretty hot too. But Anjali thinks the whole thing is pretty sketchy.

"He's so hot," Padma sighs as Jack leaves.

"He has a wedding ring," Anjali points out.

"So? It's just flirting."

After the library, they head to the gym. This is more Padma's domain.

Anjali has a hard time with the treadmill. "This is supposed to be fun?" she says.

Padma laughs. "You have to run faster, Anjali."


Brittany has also been laying low this semester. She doesn't need any more boy drama right now. She and Clara have become close friends.

She's also been talking to her friends back in the city. She declared a major in Political Science this semester, and she wants to move back to the city after graduation to practice environmental law.

She's always loved the outdoors. She spends a lot of time studying and hanging out in the quad.

She gets invited to Peerless Park, a beautiful park a few miles away from Providence.

The time with her friends and by herself makes it easier for her to get over her anger at Paul. He's been trying to apologize and patch things up between them, and while she isn't ready to be friends again, she's starting to forgive him.

Paul spends a lot of time alone this semester too. With all of his free time, he starts doing pottery.

He makes a tea set for his mother, and it turns out pretty good.

He's been spending a lot of time alone because even though he wants to be with Padma, she says she isn't interested in a relationship right now.

She's started dating Gavin Newson. He's nineteen and lives in the city with his five siblings. He couldn't go to college because he had to take care of his brothers and sisters; he works as a mailroom technician, but he hopes to work his way up in the company. Most of the time she goes out to the city to see him, but one night he manges to come to Lowell College.

When Paul sees them together, he freaks. "What the hell, Padma? You're seeing this guy? What about us? I love you!"

"I've told you a million times Paul, we're not together."

"I'm so sorry," Padma says.

"It's okay. But I should get going."

"Are things okay with us?"

"I don't care about that guy. But you have a lot of drama right now. I'm not into drama."

"I can be undramatic," she says.

"I'm pretty busy right now, with work and my family. But I'd like to keep seeing you."

"I want to keep seeing you too," she smiles.


Fall Term Grades:
Anthony Cooke: A, GPA 3.9
Paul Ottomas: C+, GPA 3.3
Brittany Parker: C+, GPA 3.4
Anjali Ramaswami: B+, GPA 3.7
Padma Ramswami: B, GPA 3.1
Clara Long: B, GPA 3.5

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