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The Bertoni/Ottomas Family

Samantha Ottomas
life stage: elder
aspiration: family
career: Elementary School Teacher
family: children David Ottomas, Sharla Bertoni, Tommy Ottomas, Emma Larrea, Sophie Jayapalan, Paul Ottomas, and Matt Ottomas
relationship status: single; married to Peter Ottomas (deceased)

Orlando Bertoni
life stage: adult
aspiration: fortune
education: LC Class of 2027, English Major
career: City Council Member (Politics); Owner of Bertoni's Market
family: children Donna and Veronica Bertoni
relationship status: married to Sharla Ottomas Bertoni

Sharla Ottomas Bertoni
life stage: adult
aspiration: fortune/family
education: LC Class of 2027, Biology Major
career: Owner of Bertoni's Market
family: parents Peter and Samantha Ottomas; brothers David, Tommy, Paul, and Matt Ottomas, sisters Emma and Sophie Jayapalan; children Donna and Veronica Bertoni
relationship status: married to Orlando Bertoni

Donna Bertoni
life stage: teen
aspiration: popularity
family: parents Orlando and Sharla Bertoni; sister Veronica Bertoni
relationship status: single

Veronica Bertoni
life stage: child
family: parents Orlando and Sharla Bertoni; sister Donna Bertoni

The Cameron Family

Viola Kalson Cameron
life stage: elder
aspiration: family/popularity
career: unemployed
family: children Clara Seiff and Alison Cameron
relationship status: married to Neil Cameron (deceased); divorced from Benjamin Long

Alison Cameron
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity/family
career: unemployed
family: parents Neil and Viola Cameron; sister Clara Seiff; child Bella Cameron
relationship status: single

Isabella "Bella" Cameron
life stage: toddler
family: parents Toby Wright and Alison Cameron

The Centowski Family

Orlando Centowski
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/knowledge
education: LC Class of 2016, Mathematics Major Magna Cum Laude
career: Owner of iRobot
family: children Phoebe, Nate, and Theo Centowski
relationship status: married to Steffi Mace Centowski

Stephanie "Steffi" Mace Centowski
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/knowledge
education: LC Class of 2017, Biology Major Magna Cum Laude
career: Captain Hero (Law Enforcement)
family: children Phoebe, Nate, and Theo Centowski
relationship status: married to Orlando Centowski

The Centowski/Grove Family

Benjamin Grove
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity
career: Counter Intelligence (Military)
relationship status: engaged to Phoebe Centowski

Phoebe Centowski
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity/knowledge
education: LC Class of 2042, Political Science Major
career: Vice Squad (Law Enforcement)
family: parents Orlando and Steffi Centowski; brothers Nate and Theo Centowski
relationship status: engaged to Benjamin Grove

The Cooke Family

Julien Cooke
life stage: elder
aspiration: popularity/fortune
career: Owner and Chef of Hotel Ampersand
family: children Anthony and Adrien Cooke
relationship status: married to Melissa Fancey Cooke

Melissa Fancey Cooke
life stage: elder
aspiration: fortune/romance
career: Hostess at Hotel Ampersand
family: children Anthony and Adrien Cooke
relationship status: married to Julien Cooke

Adrien Cooke
life stage: teen
aspiration: knowledge
family: parents Julien and Melissa Cooke; brother Anthony Cooke
relationship status: single

The Cooper Family

Jack Cooper
life stage: adult
aspiration: fortune/knowledge
education: LC Class of 2024, Political Science Major Cum Laude
career: The Law (Law)
family: children Jackson, Rachel, and Piper Cooper
relationship status: married to Jillian Piper Cooper

Jillian Piper Cooper
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/pleasure
education: LC Class of 2025, Art Major
career: unemployed
family: children Jackson, Rachel, and Piper Cooper
relationship status: married to Jack Cooper

Jack "Jackson" Cooper Jr.
life stage: teen
aspiration: family/fortune
family: parents Jack and Jillian Cooper; sisters Rachel and Piper Cooper
relationship status: single

Rachel Cooper
life stage: teen
aspiration: fortune/knowledge
family: parents Jack and Jillian Cooper; brother Jackson Cooper, sister Piper Cooper
relationship status: single

Piper Cooper
life stage: child
family: parents Jack and Jillian Cooper; brother Jackson Cooper, sister Rachel Cooper

The Cormier/Johnson Family

Ricky Cormier
life stage: adult
aspiration: romance/pleasure
education: LC Class of 2016, Art Major
career: Celebrity Chef (Culinary); Owner and Chef of The Burren
family: child Ellie Fairchild
relationship status: in a relationship with Jenny Johnson

Jenny Johnson
life stage: adult
aspiration: romance/family
education: LC Class of 2023, Art Major
career: Owner of Jenny's Closet
family: children Meg, Libby, Jodie, and Sadie Stanton
relationship status: in a relationship with Ricky Cormier; divorced from Robert Stanton

The Fairchild Family

Sandy Fairchild
life stage: elder
aspiration: romance/popularity
career: Mayor (Politics)
family: child Ellie Fairchild
relationship status: single

The Jayalapan Family

Blair Jayalapan
life stage: adult
relationship status: married to Sophie Ottomas Jayapalan

Sophie Ottomas Jayalapan
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity/pleasure
education: LC Class of 2035, History Major
job: Toymaker at Dora's Toy Box
family: parents Peter and Samantha Ottomas; brothers David, Tommy, Paul, and Matt Ottomas, sisters Sharla Bertoni and Emma Larrea
relationship status: married to Blair Jayapalan

The Jitkamusal Family

Phillip "Phil" Jitkamusal
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge
career: Scholar (Science)
family: children Anna and Kat Jitkamusal
relationship status: married to Tara Kat Jitkamusal

Tara Kat Jitkamusal
life stage: adult
aspiration: family
career: Baker at Bertoni's Market
family: children Anna and Kat Jitkamusal
relationship status: married to Phil Jitkamusal

Anna Jitkamusal
life stage: child
family: parents Phil and Tara Jitkamusal; sister Kat Jitkamusal

Kat Jitkamusal
life stage: child
family: parents Phil and Tara Jitkamusal; sister Anna Jitkamusal

The Kim Family - Robert

Robert Kim
life stage: adult
aspiration: fortune
career: unemployed
family: children Justin and Julie Kim
relationship status: single; divorced from Cynthia Kim

Julie Kim
life stage: child
family: parents Robert and Cynthia Kim; brother Justin Kim

The London Family

Andrea Hogan London
life stage: adult
aspiration: fortune
career: Business Tycoon (Business)
family: child Georgia London
relationship status: married to Randy London

Randy London
life stage: adult
aspiration: fortune
education: LC Class of 2019, Economics Major Magna Cum Laude
career: Business Tycoon (Business); Owner of Providence Theater
family: child Georgia London
relationship status: married to Andrea Hogan London

The Long Family

Benjamin Long
life stage: elder
aspiration: knowledge/family
career: Chief of Staff (Medical)
family: children Clara Seiff, Christopher, Margaret, and Charlotte Long
relationship status: married to Elizabeth Ng Long; divorced from Viola Cameron

Elizabeth Ng Long
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge/fortune
education: LC Class of 2019, Biology Major Summa Cum Laude
career: Chief of Staff (Medicine)
family: children Christopher, Margaret, and Charlotte Long, stepchild Clara Seiff
relationship status: married to Benjamin Long

Christopher Long
life stage: teen
aspiration: family/romance
family: parents Benjamin and Elizabeth Long; sisters Clara Seiff, Margaret, and Charlotte Long
relationship status: in a relationship with Gabrielle Wheeler

Margaret Long
life stage: teen
aspiration: romance/family
family: parents Benjamin and Elizabeth Long; sisters Clara Seiff and Charlotte Long, brother Christopher Long
relationship status: single

Charlotte Long
life stage: child
family: parents Benjamin and Elizabeth Long; sisters Clara Seiff and Margaret Long, brother Christopher Long

The Miller/Wright Family

Autumn Miller
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity
education: LC Class of 2025, Philosophy Major
career: Owner and Chef at The Pier
family: children Toby and Dylan Wright
relationship status: in a relationship with Tucker Wright

Tucker Wright
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity
education: LC Class of 2025, Literature Major
career: Session Musician (Music)
family: children Toby and Dylan Wright
relationship status: in a relationship with Autumn Miller

Dylan Wright
life stage: teen
aspiration: fortune/popularity
family: parents Tucker Wright and Autumn Miller; brother Toby Wright
relationship status: single

The Myers Family

Kathryn "Kate" Myers
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge/fortune
education: LC Class of 2024, Physics Major Summa Cum Laude
career: Chief of Staff (Medicine)
family: children Harper and Avery Myers
relationship status: single; partner of Andrew Carter (deceased)

Avery Myers
life stage: child
family: parents Andrew Carter and Kate Myers; sister Harper Myers

The Ottomas Family - Tommy and Sheila

Sheila Lillard Ottomas
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/knowledge
education: LC Class of 2032, Mathematics Major Magna Cum Laude
career: Engineer at iRobot
family: children Katie and Sean Ottomas
relationship status: married to Tommy Ottomas

Thomas "Tommy" Ottomas
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge/family
education: LC Class of 2032, Mathematics Major Summa Cum Laude
career: High School Teacher (Education)
family: parents Peter and Samantha Ottomas; brothers David, Paul, and Matt Ottomas, sisters Sharla Bertoni, Emma Larrea, and Sophie Jayapalan; children Katie and Sean Ottomas
relationship status: married to Sheila Lillard Ottomas

Katherine "Katie" Ottomas
life stage: child
family: parents Tommy and Sheila Ottomas; brother Sean Ottomas

Sean Ottomas
life stage: child
family: parents Tommy and Sheila Ottomas; sister Katie Ottomas

The Ramaswami Family

Priya Ramaswami
life stage: elder
aspiration: popularity
career: Investigative Journalist (Journalism)
family: children Anjali Ramaswami and Padma Newson
relationship status: married to Sanjay Ramaswami

Sanjay Ramaswami
life stage: elder
aspiration: popularity
career: Concert Pianist (Music)
family: children Anjali Ramaswami and Padma Newon
relationship status: married to Priya Ramaswami

The Roseland Family

Cyd Roseland
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge/family
family: children Charlie, Connor, and Carrie Roseland
relationship status: married to Christa Miller Roseland

Christa Miller Roseland
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge/family
career: Elementary School Teacher (Education)
family: children Charlie, Connor, and Carrie Roseland
relationship status: married to Cyd Roseland

Charles "Charlie" Roseland
life stage: child
family: parents Cyd and Christa Roseland; brother Connor Roseland, sister Carrie Roseland

Connor Roseland
life stage: child
family: parents Cyd and Christa Roseland; brother Charlie Roseland, sister Carrie Roseland

Carrie Roseland
life stage: toddler
family: parents Cyd and Christa Roseland; brothers Charlie and Connor Roseland

The Seiff Family

Patrick Seiff
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/knowledge
career: College Senior Professor (Education)
family: cousin Christopher Seiff; child Molly Seiff
relationship status: married to Clara Long Seiff

Clara Long Seiff
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/knowledge
education: Lowell College Class of 2040, Biology Major Cum Laude
career: General Practitioner (Medicine)
family: parents Benjamin Long and Viola Cameron, stepfather Neil Cameron, stepmother Elizabeth Long; sisters Alison Cameron, Margaret Long and Charlotte Long, brother Christopher Long; child Molly Seiff
relationship status: married to Patrick Seiff

Molly Seiff
life stage: baby
family: parents Patrick and Clara Seiff

The Smith Family

Anne Lowell Smith
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge/family
education: LC Class of 2022, Literature Major Summa Cum Laude
career: College Senior Professor (Education)
family: parents Elizabeth and John Lowell; brother Cabot Lowell; children George, John, Tom, Jamie, and Alex Smith
relationship status: married to James Smith

James Smith
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/popularity
education: LC Class of 2022, Biology Major
career: Captain Hero (Law Enforcement)
family: children George, John, Tom, Jamie, and Alex Smith
relationship status: married to Anne Lowell Smith

John Smith
life stage: teen
aspiration: knowledge/fortune
family: parents James and Anne Smith; brothers George, Tom, and Alex Smith, sister Jamie Smith
relationship status: in a relationship with Libby Stanton

Thomas "Tom" Smith
life stage: teen
aspiration: romance/knowledge
family: parents James and Anne Smith; brothers George, John, and Alex Smith, sister Jamie Smith
relationship status: single

Jamie Smith
life stage: teen
aspiration: family/pleasure
family: parents James and Anne Smith; brothers George, John, Tom, and Alex Smith
relationship status: single

Alexander "Alex" Smith
life stage: child
family: parents James and Anne Smith; brothers George, John, and Tom Smith, sister Jamie Smith

The Stanton Family

Robert Stanton
life stage: adult
aspiration: knowledge/family
education: LC Class of 2022, Mathematics Major Cum Laude
career: City Planner (Architecture)
family: children Meg, Libby, Jodie, and Sadie Stanton
relationship status: single; divorced from Jenny Johnson

Elizabeth "Libby" Stanton
life stage: teen
aspiration: knowledge
family: parents Robert Stanton and Jenny Johnson; sisters Meg, Jodie, and Sadie Stanton
relationship status: in a relationship with John Smith

Jodie Stanton
life stage: teen
aspiration: family/pleasure
family: parents Robert Stanton and Jenny Johnson; sisters Meg, Libby, and Sadie Stanton
relationship status: single

Sadie Stanton
life stage: teen
aspiration: knowledge/romance
family: parents Robert Stanton and Jenny Johnson; sisters Meg, Libby, and Jodie Stanton
relationship status: single

The Wilder Family

Caroline Riley Wilder
life stage: adult
aspiration: family/popularity
education: LC Class of 2023, Psychology Major
career: High School Teacher (Education)
family: children Riley, Laura, Michael, Andrew, Rose, and Lucy Wilder
relationship status: married to Charlie Wilder

Charles "Charlie" Wilder
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity/family
education: LC Class of 2023, Biology Major
family: children Riley, Laura, Michael, Andrew, Rose, and Lucy Wilder
relationship status: married to Caroline Riley Wilder

Laura Wilder
life stage: teen
aspiration: fortune
family: parents Charlie and Caroline Wilder; sister Riley, Rose, and Lucy Wilder, brothers Michael and Andrew Wilder
relationship status: single

Michael Wilder
life stage: child
family: parents Charlie and Caroline Wilder; sisters Riley, Laura, Rose, and Lucy Wilder, brother Andrew Wilder

Andrew Wilder
life stage: child
family: parents Charlie and Caroline Wilder; sisters Riley, Laura, Rose, and Lucy Wilder, brother Michael Wilder

Rose Wilder
life stage: child
family: parents Charlie and Caroline Wilder; sisters Riley, Laura, and Lucy Wilder, brothers Michael and Andrew Wilder

Lucy Wilder
life stage: toddler
family: parents Charlie and Caroline Wilder; sisters Riley, Laura, and Rose Wilder, brothers Michael and Andrew Wilder

The Zhang Family

Amin Zhang
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity
education: LC Class of 2035, Psychology Major
career: Lieutenant (Law Enforcement)
family: child Barack Zhang
relationship status: married to Brenda Roennigke Zhang

Brenda Roennigke Zhang
life stage: adult
aspiration: popularity
education: LC Class of 2035, Political Science Major
career: Judge (Politics)
family: child Barack Zhang
relationship status: married to Amin Zhang

Barack Zhang
life stage: toddler
family: parents Amin and Brenda Zhang